                        var util = require('util');
                         * Provides methods for interacting with Projects in the Sentry API.
                         * @class Projects
                         * @constructor
                         * @param {Client} client
                        var Projects = function(client) {
                          this.client = client;
                         * Retrieve a project.
                         * @method get
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.get = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return this.client.get(path, callback);
                         * Delete a project.
                         * @method delete
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.delete = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return this.client.delete(path, callback);
                         * Update a project.
                         * @method update
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Object}   body
                         * @param  {String} The new name for the project.
                         * @param  {String}   body.slug The new slug for the project.
                         * @param  {Object}   body.options  Optional options to override in the project settings.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.update = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, body, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return this.client.put(path, body, callback);
                         * Retrieve event counts for a project.
                         * @method stats
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.stats = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/stats/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return this.client.get(path, callback);
                         * List a project's client keys.
                         * @method keys
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.keys = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/keys/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return this.client.get(path, callback);
                         * Create a new client key.
                         * @method createKey
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Object}   body
                         * @param  {String}   The name for the new key.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.createKey = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, body, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/keys/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return, body, callback);
                         * Delete a client key.
                         * @method deleteKey
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {String}   keyId       The ID of the key to delete.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.deleteKey = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, keyId, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/keys/%s/', orgSlug, projectSlug, keyId);
                          return this.client.delete(path, callback);
                         * Update a client key.
                         * @method updateKey
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {[type]}   key         [description]
                         * @param  {Object}   body
                         * @param  {String}   The new name for the key.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.updateKey = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, key, body, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/keys/%s/', orgSlug, projectSlug, key);
                          return this.client.put(path, body, callback);
                         * List a project's users.
                         * @method users
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.users = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/users/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return this.client.get(path, callback);
                         * List a tag's values.
                         * @method tag
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {String}   key         The tag to lookup.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.tag = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, key, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/tags/%s/values/', orgSlug, projectSlug, key);
                          return this.client.get(path, callback);
                         * List a project's releases.
                         * @method releases
                         * @param  {String}   orgSlug     Organization slug.
                         * @param  {String}   projectSlug Project slug.
                         * @param  {Function} callback
                         * @return {Promise}
                        Projects.prototype.releases = function(orgSlug, projectSlug, callback) {
                          var path = util.format('projects/%s/%s/releases/', orgSlug, projectSlug);
                          return this.client.get(path, callback);
                        module.exports = Projects;